Meet Michell


How This Got Started

I opened my first company at 21, and in 5 years scaled to 25 million+ in sales, billing over 10 million dollars in annual commissions, for over a decade. I recruited, trained and scaled the largest and most successful B2B and B2C sales force in Canadian history.

I've conducted over 50,000 interviews, consulted sales teams and start-ups for 25 + years, helped launch over 250 companies, spoken on stage over 5000 times and heard the word "no" more than almost any other Canadian.

For the past 10 years I've been working to help create solutions to assist female entrepreneurs to become more successful, faster. I've launched brands like the Fiercely Fearless Females, held events like Swagger Sessions and Six in the City, run facebook groups and seminars, hosted webinars and girl's nights out, online courses, sales training sessions and mastermind groups but none of it felt like it was enough...

I started She the Mighty back in 2017 and launched a free online school for female entrepreneurs... Still not enough. Regardless of the resources we provided there was one massive challenge that most women were battling - running out of money while they worked to build their businesses.

I've worked with female Founders for the past decade teaching them how to sell, present, negotiate and pitch for funding. The disparity in funding for female founded companies is a reality we are committed to help change.

I started talking with my good friend Kylie in early 2020. We spoke about girls and social media, entrepreneurship, women supporting women, the reality of women earning less and being funded less than men (and how fixable this was). Women having to leave their amazing ideas and businesses behind because they could not afford to NOT work for the other guy, and ways to provide viable solutions to enable a different reality.

We started playing with the idea - what if we could create something that could help change the data for women in business? What if we could create a social media platform EXCLUSIVELY for women, that helped them make money by revenue sharing???? And, what if we could create something that helped them finance their businesses - get them started and helped them succeed?

Could we forge a new path forward with additional options for female entrepreneurs?

Meet Kylie


Chief Connector, Right On

I knew from a very young age that I wanted to beat, dance, sing to my own drum and be my own boss. I am a creative "creator" through and through, and my true passion is performing on a stage. I’ve performed 100’s of times with jazz big bands, vocal groups, choirs, in musical theatre and in my various business adventures - speaking, leading workshops and or collaborating on panels. It’s not the actual stage that brings me the joy - but the true synergy with an audience and the cycle of sharing that completely fills my soul cup. 

I worked in Marketing and Advertising for many years which brought a level of understanding of people and the psychology behind what drives our behaviour and actions. I knew that working in Corporate wasn’t going to be where I’d stay. I needed to bring a level of service into my work and life; I started my own personal styling business- helping individuals understand the true power behind the optics and illusion of one’s personal style and how that translates to wellness. 

For the past 10 years I’ve been involved in various entrepreneurial projects and have had the opportunity to travel extensively with Charitable initiatives close to my heart. 

Talking with Michell in 2020 during the darkest days of the Global Pandemic, it was clear this was finally the time for us to join forces.

The need for change in the female entrepreneurial space was imminent, and with social media being solely responsible for the many social issues our youngest population faces, we could no longer be OK being a part of the status quo. 

Doing nothing meant we were accepting the problem.

Step One: We Built a Whole New Platform

A platform that innovates the way that women finance their businesses and their futures

An addition to the social media landscape. A platform EXCLUSIVELY for women. Focussed on building an educational and empowering community for female entrepreneurs.

A platform with more than just recorded classes – but with weekly live sessions, Q & A mentoring sessions, business plan crafting sessions, practice pitching sessions and access to experts to help trouble shoot the myriad of challenges that entrepreneurs face day to day.

Continuous and ongoing mentoring and support. We exist to help female entrepreneurs succeed.

And, we profit share our membership fees to create an income opportunity for every member as soon as they join. #mightydifferent
